Please read and agree before entering:

  1. Entry is open to the residents of Kawerau District only.

  2. Photos can be taken outside the district but people need to be locals. (E.g. a photo of a Kawerau local, fishing up the East Cape is a valid entry.

  3. The photo you enter is your photo or you have permission from the photographer (and anyone in the photo) to enter it. (NOTE: The person that enters is the person that is in the draw.)

  4. Photos need to be image-type files (e.g. jpg from your mobile phone) and sent in the highest (original size) quality. (Don’t shrink the file size to send it as it may look fine on your phone but be too small for printing.)
    If you are not sure - ask a mate who knows! ;)

  5. Please think about your caption. It needs to say who is in the photo and what is happening and maybe why it is significant.

  6. By entering your photo, you agree that the Echo can publish it, along with the caption in the paper & digital versions of the Echo, and on both the Echo and New World Kawerau’s social media pages.

  7. New World Kawerau is kindly supplying a $50 New World Voucher prize to be won every month from the September 2024 issue of the Echo. All published photos from the month go into a draw and will be announced in the publication each month. The voucher will be couriered to the winner unless otherwise arranged. The winner to supply mailing address to the Echo.

  8. New World Kawerau is kindly supplying a prize pack worth over $200. It will contain 1 x $100 New World Voucher and 1 x $100+ New World Christmas Hamper. All published entries from September 2024 to December 2024 will go in the draw. The winner will be contacted in December 2024. The winner agrees to their photo being taken instore at New World Kawerau when presented with the prize.

enter right here!

Fill in the entry form below to enter your photo!
Make sure you read the terms & conditions.
Good luck!