Got a question?

Want to know more about advertising? Want to send a story or photo? When is the next issue? Need some marketing & design work done for your business? Read on

Q: When does the next issue come out?

A: Deadlines and distribution dates can be downloaded here. Issues come out at the very end or very start of each month. (January issues will be different.) August issue will be distributed from 31 July.

Q: My uncle’s best friend’s neighbour has a story/group/business that should be in the Echo.
Can you put this ad/ article/ photo/ information in?

A: No. But… ask your uncle to tell his best friend to tell to his neighbour to contact us if they are interested in contributing or advertising with us.

Q: Photos & images - what can I send you?

A: Photos must be high resolution (usually around 800+ kbs to over 1 mb in size) at 300 DPI. Always send the original photo from your camera or phone and we can edit if need be. Logos must be JPEG, PDF or EPS files. Word or publisher files are not acceptable formats for images or logos. If in doubt, send what you have and we will let you know if it won’t work.

Q: I want to advertise my business. How much does it cost?

A: It depends on what you want. We offer Display advertising, which is placed near articles & features - Classifieds & Notices near the back of the paper, Sponsorship opportunities & Advertorial options. Discounts are applied for long-term bookings. The best thing to do is contact us here and let us know what you want to achieve (branding or call-to-action). Scroll down to see our Media Pack for further information.

Q: Hey, Real Creative Media - Can you do some other work for me?

A: Absolutely! With over 20 years in the media business, both in radio & print, we can help with branding, graphic design, your general brochure & catalogue work plus more. - From communications advice to print management - from writing to designing. With our contacts in the industry, if we can’t do it ourselves, we can probably find someone who can!
For more information email us here.

The Echo 2024 Media Pack

The Echo Media Pack